House Price Change 5 Years (Inflation-Adjusted) in Liechtenstein compared to Europe

5-year inflation-adjusted residential house price index percentage change for the country or capital city. Updated quarterly

Change Continent

Last updated February, 2025
Portugal 48.07%
Greece 32.87%
Croatia 31.92%
Russia 31.76%
Montenegro 26.93%
Iceland 26.40%
Slovenia 25.96%
Bulgaria 24.47%
Slovakia 20.14%
Netherlands 19.81%
Poland 19.56%
Switzerland 19.43%
Estonia 19.19%
Hungary 17.88%
Ireland 17.42%
Lithuania 14.66%
North Macedonia 13.77%
Serbia 13.71%
Czech Republic 11.78%
Romania 9.30%
Denmark 7.74%
Cyprus 7.03%
Norway 2.55%
Luxembourg 1.36%
United Kingdom 0.08%
Spain -1.41%
France -1.45%
Austria -2.45%
Italy -2.79%
Malta -4.57%
Sweden -4.65%
Germany -4.80%
Belgium -5.84%
Ukraine -6.86%
Finland -11.06%
Latvia -22.93%

Liechtenstein does not publish any house price or rents data, public or private, and generally publishes few statistics.

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