This table provides a comprehensive overview of global rent price changes over 1, 5, 10, and 15-year periods, offering both nominal and inflation-adjusted data.

The data is sourced from a variety of reliable sources, including government websites and national statistical offices, which provide local house price index data on a quarterly basis.

You can filter the table to view either nominal or inflation-adjusted values.

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Last updated November, 2024
Last updated November, 2024
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1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years Q-O-Q
Australia 6.58% 17.03% n.a. n.a. 1.29%
Austria 6.14% 23.36% 47.54% 77.25% 1.25%
Belgium 4.72% 20.70% 27.10% 36.52% 0.93%
Brazil 11.14% 42.87% n.a. n.a. 2.46%
Bulgaria 6.20% 28.02% 38.44% 44.58% 2.39%
Canada 8.34% 25.06% 33.35% 42.68% 1.83%
Chile 7.81% 25.71% 59.12% 85.28% 1.07%
Colombia 8.05% 22.61% 46.68% 74.79% 1.8%
Costa Rica 5.06% 13.31% 27.75% 66.41% 0.75%
Croatia 3.85% 17.25% 25.49% 34.84% 0.81%
Cyprus 4.39% 18.33% 25.06% 11.09% 0.67%
Czech Republic 6.61% 26.94% 41.98% 67.86% 1.66%
Denmark 1.88% 9.48% 17.19% 31.45% 0.51%
Estonia -0.51% 18.55% 64.61% 188.13% 0.56%
Finland 2.44% 7.98% 20.50% 38.64% 0.5%
France 2.35% 6.66% 8.15% 15.63% 0.46%
Germany 2.14% 9.07% 16.51% 24.24% 0.48%
Greece 4.63% 12.01% -1.09% -14.53% 1.89%
Hong Kong 5.83% -0.71% 20.39% 85.96% 1.82%
Hungary 10.95% 49.04% 92.71% 112.44% 1.41%
Ireland 7.10% 43.74% 69.94% 104.69% 1.73%
Israel 4.02% 15.75% 24.55% 45.04% 0.87%
Italy 3.06% 7.41% 8.86% 15.96% 0.74%
Japan 0.36% 0.43% -0.51% -2.68% 0.07%
Latvia 6.98% 12.88% 22.14% 44.71% 1.8%
Lithuania 4.79% 38.76% 106.51% 137.25% 1.63%
Luxembourg 1.72% 8.06% 15.05% 23.47% 0.64%
Malta 5.20% 34.76% 55.01% 64.49% 0.04%
Mexico 4.13% 15.94% 30.86% 44.96% 1.14%
Montenegro -1.08% 1.10% 1.10% n.a. 2.19%
Netherlands 5.41% 14.68% 27.76% 47.97% 3.37%
New Zealand 4.45% 21.38% 36.60% 51.07% 0.97%
Norway 4.38% 14.31% 26.47% 43.34% 0.97%
Philippines 2.33% 13.94% n.a. n.a. 0.34%
Poland 5.05% 46.59% 69.58% 88.30% 1.24%
Portugal 7.16% 20.41% 31.81% 46.22% 1.33%
Qatar -3.62% n.a. n.a. n.a. -2.89%
Romania 9.77% 34.57% 46.34% 56.61% 1.55%
Serbia 15.14% 63.01% 76.50% 124.68% 1.96%
Singapore -4.01% 49.53% 37.07% 70.15% 0.83%
Slovak Republic 7.54% 21.21% 23.01% 26.68% 2.33%
Slovenia 5.29% 43.51% 75.31% 66.85% 1.32%
South Africa 3.22% 11.53% 39.79% 78.65% 0.75%
South Korea 0.43% 4.41% 11.05% 28.97% 0.21%
Spain 2.22% 7.63% 10.81% 12.41% 0.54%
Sweden 5.27% 14.83% 21.39% 34.47% 1.04%
Switzerland 3.69% 8.84% 12.07% 17.39% 0.98%
United Kingdom 7.13% 22.27% 30.19% 46.85% 2.06%
United States 4.96% 27.02% 52.43% 68.85% 1.14%
Uruguay 4.94% n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.17%

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Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Analyzing Rent Price Data:

  • Hyperinflation: In some countries, rapid devaluation of the local currency during periods of hyperinflation can artificially inflate nominal rent prices. These increases may not represent genuine growth in real terms once adjusted for inflation.
  • Currency fluctuations: For tenants and landlords dealing with international rentals, exchange rate shifts can significantly impact affordability or rental income. A strengthening or weakening local currency relative to another currency can either increase or reduce the real cost of rents or the value of rental payments over time.