Rental Income Tax in Cyprus compared to Europe

Cyprus: Rental income taxes (%).

Tax on the average annual rental income in the country, based on the following assumptions:

  • Gross rental income: €1,500/month
  • Owned by a foreign, non-resident individual
  • No other local income, no mortgage

These figures are for reference only; always consult a reputable lawyer for accurate advice. In many countries, it is more tax-efficient to buy and rent through a company. For more information on property taxes, click on the country links. Updated biannually.

Last updated October, 2024
Denmark, Copenhagen 42.11%
Netherlands, Amsterdam 36.00%
Finland, Helsinki 30.00%
Russia, Moscow 30.00%
Portugal, Lisbon 28.00%
Belgium, Brussels 26.82%
Slovenia, Ljubljana 25.00%
Norway, Oslo 22.00%
Iceland, Reykjavik 22.00%
Greece, Athens 22.00%
Italy, Milan 21.00%
France, Paris 20.68%
Latvia, Riga 20.00%
Sweden, Stockholm 20.00%
Estonia, Tallinn 20.00%
Ireland, Dublin 20.00%
Serbia, Belgrade 20.00%
United Kingdom, London 20.00%
Spain, Madrid 19.00%
Slovakia, Bratislava 19.00%
Czech Republic, Prague 15.00%
Hungary, Budapest 15.00%
Montenegro, Podgorica 15.00%
Lithuania, Vilnius 15.00%
Croatia, Zagreb 12.00%
North Macedonia, Skopje 10.00%
Romania, Bucharest 10.00%
Bulgaria, Sofia 10.00%
Germany, Berlin 9.92%
Malta, Valletta 9.36%
Poland, Warsaw 8.50%
Austria, Vienna 5.76%
Switzerland, Zurich 5.57%
Luxembourg, Luxembourg City 2.94%
Monaco 0.00%
Cyprus, Nicosia 0.00%

Cyprus real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • Central Bank of Cyprus
  • Zyprus

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