Guide to Property Taxes in Moldova

Nonresidents in Moldova are taxed only on their income from Moldovan sources. Married couples are taxed separately. 

Income Tax

Applicable tax rates and calculation of tax base of income of nonresidents depend on the source of income.

Investment income, employment income and other types are mostly subject to a flat 12% withholding tax.

Rental Income

Nonresidents earning rental income in Moldova are liable to pay tax at a flat rate of 12%. 

Capital Gains

There is no separate capital gains tax (CGT). For private individuals, capital gains are calculated as 50% of the difference between the sale price and the purchase price (including all acquisition-related costs) and must be included in the individual's gross income for the year the income is earned.

Property Tax

Property tax is levied on the estimated value of properties located in Moldova, regardless whether the owner is a resident or non-resident. The tax rates range from 0.05% to 0.30%, and the actual tax rates are set annually by the local authorities.

Corporate Income Tax

Income and capital gains earned by companies are taxed at a flat rate of 12% on profits

Taxable income is calculated by deducting income-generating expense from gross income. 

Property Buying Costs and Taxes in Moldova

Transaction Costs

    Who Pays?
State duty 0.5% buyer
Notary fee 0.1% - 1.3% buyer
Legal fee 0% - 1% buyer
Real Estate Agent Fee 2% - 4% seller
Costs paid by buyer 0.6% - 2.8%
Costs paid by seller 2% - 4%

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