Square Meter/Square Foot Prices in Georgia, Tbilisi compared to Asia

The data is primarily derived from government statistics or local property market reports that periodically track national or capital city square meter (or square foot) prices for residential properties. Updated quarterly.

This list is updated on a quarterly basis.

Show prices for:
Last updated September, 2024
Taiwan, Taipei $ 27,436 $ 2,549
Hong Kong $ 23,074 $ 2,144
Singapore $ 16,242 $ 1,509
South Korea, Seoul $ 11,121 $ 1,033
Japan, Tokyo $ 5,051 $ 469
Thailand, Bangkok $ 4,408 $ 410
China, Beijing $ 4,356 $ 405
India, Mumbai $ 3,379 $ 314
Vietnam, Hanoi $ 2,722 $ 253
Philippines, Manila $ 2,403 $ 223
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur $ 2,398 $ 223
Indonesia, Jakarta $ 2,265 $ 210
Georgia, Tbilisi $ 1,454 $ 135

Georgia real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • National Statistics Office of Georgia
  • SS
  • Geostat

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