Square Meter/Square Foot Prices in China, Beijing compared to Asia
The data is primarily derived from government statistics or local property market reports that periodically track national or capital city square meter (or square foot) prices for residential properties. Updated quarterly.
This list is updated on a quarterly basis.
Hong Kong | $ 23,074 $ 2,144 |
Singapore | $ 16,242 $ 1,509 |
South Korea, Seoul | $ 11,121 $ 1,033 |
Taiwan, Taipei | $ 8,314 $ 772 |
Japan, Tokyo | $ 5,051 $ 469 |
Thailand, Bangkok | $ 4,408 $ 410 |
China, Beijing | $ 4,356 $ 405 |
Vietnam, Hanoi | $ 2,722 $ 253 |
Philippines, Manila | $ 2,403 $ 223 |
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur | $ 2,398 $ 223 |
Indonesia, Jakarta | $ 2,265 $ 210 |
Georgia, Tbilisi | $ 1,454 $ 135 |
China has poor house price statistics. The National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC) has monthly house price time-series starting January 2011 but only until August of 2013. Another source of house price indices is eHomeday, Shanghai's largest property market web site, which has time-series for Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Beijing, Yangzhou and Suzhou (but the site is only in Chinese, and no time-series are available). Colliers International publishes useful housing data in their quarterly property market reviews. General economics statistics are available from the NBSC and the People's Bank of China.