Average Rent Price (1-Bed Apartment) in South Korea, Seoul

This comparison highlights the median monthly rental prices for one-bedroom apartments in capital cities or major urban centers, based on our in-house research.

Last updated December, 2024
South Korea, Seoul $ 3,500
Singapore $ 2,826
Hong Kong $ 2,100
Taiwan, Taipei $ 855
Japan, Tokyo $ 810
China, Beijing $ 778
Thailand, Bangkok $ 685
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur $ 540
Philippines, Manila $ 535
Vietnam, Hanoi $ 525
Georgia, Tbilisi $ 520
India, Mumbai $ 360
Indonesia, Jakarta $ 216

South Korea real estate data, including prices, rents, and sizes in square meters, has been compiled and analyzed from the following sources:

  • Korea Real Estate Board (REB)
  • KBStar
  • Smile Seoul Real Estate

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