Square Meter/Square Foot Prices in El Salvador compared to Latin America
The data is primarily derived from government statistics or local property market reports that periodically track national or capital city square meter (or square foot) prices for residential properties. Updated quarterly.
This list is updated on a quarterly basis.
Last updated September, 2024
Puerto Rico, San Juan | $ 5,702 $ 530 |
Chile, Santiago | $ 2,707 $ 251 |
Uruguay, Montevideo | $ 2,671 $ 248 |
Panama, Panama City | $ 2,598 $ 241 |
Mexico, Mexico City | $ 2,401 $ 223 |
Dominican Republic, San Juan | $ 2,218 $ 206 |
Costa Rica, San Jose | $ 2,020 $ 188 |
Argentina, Buenos Aires | $ 1,900 $ 177 |
Peru, Lima | $ 1,854 $ 172 |
Brazil, Sao Paolo | $ 1,767 $ 164 |
Colombia, Medellin | $ 1,688 $ 157 |
No house price statistics are published in El Salvador. The Centro Nacional de Registros publishes no housing statistics. The Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador produces good general statistical time-series, which are up to date and nicely displayed. This is an exemplary site for a country of this size. There are also excellent statistics on the financial system and on many other aspects of life in El Salvador at the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero.