Price/Rent Ratio in El Salvador compared to Latin America
This price-to-rent ratio helps assess whether it is more cost-effective to buy or rent a home in a given market. A high price-to-rent ratio suggests that buying a property is more expensive relative to renting, whereas a low ratio indicates that buying may be more favorable than renting.
- Price-to-Rent Ratio below 16: It's generally cheaper to buy a home than to rent.
- Price-to-Rent Ratio between 17 and 20: The cost of buying and renting is roughly comparable.
- Price-to-Rent Ratio above 21: It's generally cheaper to rent than to buy.
Argentina, Buenos Aires | 22 yrs |
Chile, Santiago | 21 yrs |
Uruguay, Montevideo | 19 yrs |
Brazil, Sao Paolo | 18 yrs |
Mexico, Mexico City | 18 yrs |
Peru, Lima | 17 yrs |
Panama, Panama City | 16 yrs |
Jamaica, Kingston | 15 yrs |
Dominican Republic, San Juan | 15 yrs |
Puerto Rico, San Juan | 14 yrs |
Colombia, Medellin | 14 yrs |
Costa Rica, San Jose | 14 yrs |
No house price statistics are published in El Salvador. The Centro Nacional de Registros publishes no housing statistics. The Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador produces good general statistical time-series, which are up to date and nicely displayed. This is an exemplary site for a country of this size. There are also excellent statistics on the financial system and on many other aspects of life in El Salvador at the Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero.