Average Rent Price (1-Bed Apartment) in Ecuador

This comparison highlights the median monthly rental prices for one-bedroom apartments in capital cities or major urban centers, based on our in-house research.

Last updated September, 2024
Panama, Panama City $ 1,390
Mexico, Mexico City $ 1,050
Dominican Republic, San Juan $ 1,000
Colombia, Medellin $ 770
Uruguay, Montevideo $ 695
Peru, Lima $ 630
Argentina, Buenos Aires $ 380
Chile, Santiago $ 340

There are no house price statistics for Ecuador, and its statistical data is generally weak. The Instituto Nacional de Estad'stica y Censos is an ill-organized collection of stale data. The Banco Central del Ecuador is better, but alas has few downloadable time-series (data tends to be in 'press release' format). The monthly report on inflation is well presented.

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