The law is NEUTRAL
Rents: Can landlord and tenant freely agree rents in Barbados?
Tenancies in Barbados are generally under a free market regime, and rents can be freely agreed. Rents are usually quoted in weekly or monthly terms.
A landlord may ask for a security deposit from a tenant, as a precaution against non-payment of utilities, and to repair any damage done to the property by the tenant. Rents are paid in advance.
What rights do landlords and tenants have in Barbados, especially as to duration of contract, and eviction?
In cases of non-payment of rent for six months, the landlord can get a court order to evict the tenant.
When you want to end a tenancy earlier than agreed, be sure to give your tenant a notice (written is better) which allows him/her enough time to relocate. For monthly tenancies, a month's notice is usually required. The same standard is applied when the tenant wishes to terminate the contract.
Duration until completion of service of process | 92 | |
Duration of trial | 4 | |
Duration of enforcement | 67 | |
Total Days to Evict Tenant | 163 | |
Courts: The Lex Mundi Project |
How effective is the Barbados legal system?
Contracts are generally enforced and court proceeding are followed when evicting tenants. The Fair Trading Commission of Barbados hears landlord and tenant disputes. Eviction proceedings are processed through the courts.
There is no specific law on landlord and tenant relations. The Consumer Protection Act provides general guidelines regarding contracts and business transactions, including tenancies.
Brief History: Recent changes in Bajan landlord and tenant law
There is talk that a rent control act is under way. In a news report, an MP said that the rent control law would not only deal with rent control and rent restrictions, but would ensure that all buildings, whether owned or being rented, were of high standard.