Buying property costs are low in Bolivia

How high are realtors´ and lawyers´ fees in Bolivia? What about other property purchase costs?

Transaction Costs

Who Pays?
Transactions Tax 3% buyer
Registration Fee 0.50% buyer
Legal Fee 1.00% seller
Costs paid by buyer 3.50%
Costs paid by seller 1.00%
See Footnotes
Source: Global Property Guide

Footnotes to Transaction Costs Table

The round trip transaction costs include all costs of buying and then re-selling a property - lawyers´ fees, notaries´ fees, registration fees, taxes, agents´ fees, etc.

Transactions Tax
Transactions tax applies to transfer of property, and it is levied at a flat rate of 3% of the property value.

Registration Fee
Registration fee is around 0.50% of the property value.

Legal Fee
Legal fees are around 1% of the property value.